We provide specialized housing for Veterans, offering
residential care homes and group homes for both disabled and
non-disabled Veterans.
We work directly with the VA and all branches of the
military—Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines—to ensure our
servicemen and women receive quality and safe housing upon
their return home. Our group homes and transitional living
residential care homes for Veterans are available throughout
the local area.
We provide housing for individuals over the age of 65 without disabilities. Many of our residents are on fixed incomes and need low-cost housing in a shared living environment. Our homes offer an affordable, social setting that feels like a real home rather than an institution, making it an ideal solution for our older Kings and Queens.
We believe that a safe and pleasant place to live is a fundamental human need. In the face of the affordable housing crisis, our mission is to provide housing for individuals who lack a support system and are at risk of falling through the cracks. We believe that no one should be left out in the cold to fend for themselves. Instead, everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and we strive to offer a home where they can feel safe and supported.
We believe in second chances and the transformative power of change. Our passion lies in providing homes to support individuals reentering society from prison, offering them a fresh start. This transition can be disorienting for those who have become "institutionalized," which is why we provide not just a roof over their heads, but also guidance and support. We understand that these individuals are often overlooked or refused traditional housing, and we are here to offer them the opportunity for a new beginning.